
AI Governance

Our Aim

Artificial Intelligence is developing at an astonishing rate.  During the last decade, the development of ArtificialIntelligence (AI) started to gather pace. It is clearly having a serious impact here and now, with issues such as, bias, surveillance, deep fakes and cybersecurity posing threats to human rights, democracy and the rule of law.  

At the same time, it has become increasingly evident that humanity is in the process of creating new existential risks.  In the past, the only such risk was that of an asteroid hitting the earth with catastrophic results.  Recently however humanity has been developing catastrophic and existential risks of its own.  Many consider the greatest risk to be associated with Advanced AI, whether through the loss of control of the AI, or accidents or malevolence (whether civilian or military) that are facilitated by AI.  

The One World Trust seeks to support the development of effective responses to these major challenges.

Our Progress

The One WorldTrust is currently pursuing three AI related projects.

First, it is clear that a major priority for humanity is the establishment of effective and inclusive governance and regulation – impacting behaviour in both the public sector and the private sector, and both in the market place and in the AI laboratories. Due to the innate cross border nature of the technology and its global significance, the governance must be global.  Through the AI Global Governance project, the One World Trust, working in conjunction with the World Federalist Movement’s Transnational Working Group on AI (TWG on AI), engages with and supports processes moving toward AI global governance: the AI Global Governance project.

Secondly, the One World Trust is particularly focused upon AI Safety, particularly with regard to the potentially catastrophic or existential risks: the AI Safety project.

Thirdly, one major impact of AI is on employment. How this will work out is as yet far from clear.  The One World trust is seeking to explore these issues: the AI and Work project.